
Sunday, December 11, 2022



The Passion meets Creativity Christmas bakery is officially open. And I’ll hit off the season with a
recipe that I’ve been wanting to posts for years. However, November and December always being
very busy at work, I hardly managed to post more than two recipes on the blog and one in a local
magazine. I wouldn’t say that this year I had particularly more lead time than last year. I closed the biggest projects, but then I got knocked out by some colds twice in 5 weeks.  But here I am, standing again, ready to bake my way through classics. 

I may love Christmas for many reasons, but the holiday treats are one of the top three. Heidesand is
a classic, and a very easy recipe to make. You don’t need many spices or ingredients. Just juggling with the basics. The interplay of vanilla and lemon zest however, makes that many people on this side of the
world claim it as one of their favourites.

So here we are, a few Christmas carols in the background and loads of flour and butter on the
kitchen counter, ready to pursue our common mission to spoil our loved ones with our delicious holiday
baking. This Heidesand recipe is the first of this year’s Christmas collection. Make sure to drop by for more and
if you like it, feel free to share it with fellow bakers.

For around 25 cookies you'll need
200g butter
75g icing sugar
60g marzipan
zest of 1/2 lemon
270g flour
1 egg yolk
1 cup of sugar


In a large bowl mix the soft butter with icing sugar, the marzipan, the vanilla sugar and the lemon zest. Then knead in the flour. Form equal-sized rolls of the dough (approx 5 cm) then wrap them in cling film and leave to rest in the fridge overnight. 

Preheat the oven to 180°. 

First whisk the egg yolk with a fork in a small bowl, then brush the dough sticks with it and then roll in sugar. It is best to spread the sugar evenly on a large plate beforehand. Carefully cut 1/2 cm thick slices then place them on a baking tray lined with baking paper. Bake for 10-15 minutes until golden. Leave to cool completely before eating them. They keep up to three weeks in a tin can. 


Are you planning on making this recipe? Or have you already tried it?
Then show me your creations on Instagram: @passionmeetscreativity  I'm looking forward to your comments & suggestions :)

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