About me

About me


My name is Sheyla, I am a Luxembourg-based food blogger and the creative brain behind Passion meets Creativity. The aim of this food blog is to inspire experienced foodies to try new recipes or ingredients and to convince novices at cooking and baking that it is not that difficult and good fun.

I love food, I love eating but I most of all I love cooking and baking. To create and to succeed at developing or revisiting new recipes is a great challenge I have accepted a few years ago. Spoiling my beloved with my little wonders afterwards goes hand in hand with my creative work. 

Since my early childhood I wouldn’t eat my food if it wasn’t nicely presented - criteria I keep even nowadays.  My father and grandfather particularly inspired my culinary passion. My father on one hand is a passionate cook and my grandfather developed a strong passion for baking straight after retiring. With their unconditional love for food they transmitted their great passions to me over the years and generated my curiosity for gastronomy and confectionery.

I hope you will enjoy the food blog and that you discover new things you can try. Do not hesitate to share your results of my recipes with me. If you have comments or questions, please drop me an e-mail

Please note that I take all the pictures myself and therefore they are all under my ©. If you want to use them again, please ask.

Have a nice meal !


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