
Friday, July 20, 2012

Rocket Leek Tart with a Touch of Parmesan

Time for something savory again!

Home sweet home indeed! I'm back to my growing library and today I found this little recipe for a nice savory tart! I have to admit that I was quite excited preparing this tart, because it's one of the first times that I prepare the dough by myself. I also really like the rectangular base, it changes a bit from the round ones and I find it gives the tart a little something. For the shooting however I had the impression that it was a bit more difficult to get a nice composition.

I took a lot of cookbooks to Belgrade, but most of them convinced me with their lovely desserts and not with their savory dishes. But well.. at some point there is enough sugar and you need something salty. Since I've not done a lot of savory tarts in my life so far, it was a nice challenge for me. I can say that I am satisfied with the result, but next time, I'll do some minor changes with the rocket-leek mix. I will definitely add some pine nuts, because they go very well with the rocket salad. And for the salt lovers among you I highly recommend to add some salt. For me it's not so much of a problem, I'm not a huge fan, but I can imagine that for others something might be missing.

The good thing about savory tarts is that you can enjoy them in summer and in winter. And even if the weather doesn't really know whether to spoil us with sun and heat or to upset us with rain and cold, you can always enjoy a savory tart. This one is quite light, so ideal for summer.


I'd say rocket salad is one of my favorite salads because of it's unique taste. It's spicy and adds a certain something to your salads or dishes. The italians for example add rocket salad to their beef filets when they serve it as a Tagliata. The French like to serve them with Roquefort, pine nuts and strawberries. There are a lot of combinations, but the rocket salad-leek one convinced me in particular.

For 4-6 servings you need:


185g flour
125g butter cut into small cubes
1-2 tbs cold water


150g rocket salad
1 tbs olive oil
2 garlic cloves
1 white portion of the leek
2 eggs
125 ml milk
125 ml cream


parmesan cheese

Preheat the oven to 210°

For the dough:

Put the flour into a middle-sized bowl. Cut the butter into little cubes and mix with the flour. Mix with your hands until it looks like little bread crumbs. Add the cold water (really cold water!) and mix again. Now start kneading the dough (still with your hands!) for around 20 seconds until it gets very soft. Form a little ball out of it, wrap it into cling film and refrigerate it for 30min.

For the filling:

In a large frying pan heat the oil, add the 2 crushed garlic cloves and the chopped white portion of the leek. Brown them for 5 minutes. Then add the rocket salad and cook it for one more minute. 

Let the filling cool down until it's time to get started with the tart. Take the dough out of the fridge and roll it out. Now transfer it to your tart base. I used a rectangular one and it's a bit more difficult to get it into the base, but don't worry it's absolutely manageable. The easiest way is to take baking paper and to transfer it like that. Cover the dough with baking paper and put it into the oven for 10 minutes. Afterwards remove the baking paper and bake for another 5 minutes.

Now it's time to put it all together. Take the rocket leek mixture and put it onto your dough. In a small bowl whisk the eggs, the cream and the milk together. Pour this mixture over your vegetables and put the tart into the oven. The temperature needed for the baking of the tart as a whole is only 180°

Bake for 50 minutes in the oven.

Now you can put some parmesan pieces on the hot tart, they will melt and add an additional flavor to your tart.



  1. I've just made this with red onions and creme fraiche - only because I didn't have leeks or fresh cream...totally scrumptious!! Now I know what to do with my garden full of rocket!!

    1. Oooh, with red onions? This sounds nice as well!!! I have some more recipes with rocket which I will post in the upcoming weeks ;)


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