
Thursday, November 23, 2017

Cauliflower Pasta (sponsored)

There we go.. winter is slowly approaching. Even though, and just in time for the opening of the Christmas markets here in Luxembourg, temperatures rise back to 16°. So mulled wine might not be an option... not yet at least. Facing the cold season just before it arrives is always a good idea, as you can mentally prepare and check out which recipes to prepare. 

As you might have noticed over the years, I am not a big fan op soups. You won't here me order a soup ever. And you will even less se me cooking some at home. As long as my teeth are working fine, I will not consider soup a decent meal. You might ask yourself how I heat myself up during the cold days? Well... I boil up some tea and have a normal meal. It's as simple as that. So what does all that soup talk have to do with this lunch huh? Well, when I was preparing the sauce, I was thinking that it might also be a great soup actually. The strong flavours of the vegetables are melting as one with the pasta. All creamy and silky it was a great pleasure to find out what the result would be. 

For 2 servings you need
300g pasta
120g freshly chopped spinach
1/2 head cauliflower 
2 cloves garlic (minced)
1 tbsp lemon juice
1 tsp olive oil
150 ml almond milk
salt & pepper

All the ingredients for this recipe can be purchased on the Auchan Drive website.

Cook the pasta. Meanwhile chop the spinach and set aside. Once the pasta is done transfer it to a large bowl and mix with the spinach. Then bring a medium pot of water to a boil. Add the cauliflower with a pinch of salt and simmer until it's all tender. Drain the cauliflower and throw it into a blender. Now add the milk, garlic, lemon juice and the olive oil and mix until you get a creamy sauce. 

Finally pour the sauce into the pot you boiled the cauliflower in and cook over low heat. Add the spinach pasta and stir until everything is well combined. 


Are you planning on making this recipe? Or have you already tried it?
Then show me your creations on Instagram: @passionmeetscreativity  I'm looking forward to your comments & suggestions :)


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