
Sunday, November 24, 2013

Alsatian Apple Pie

A bit more than three weeks ago I had a very challenging experience, notably to cook a whole menu for 29 people in one of my favourite bars here in Luxembourg.  This delicious Alsatian Apple Pie was what I chose as a dessert and it had a lot of success. Some of my friends who came to the cooking event told me that I am not allowed to show up at their places anymore without bringing this pie. Well... This should not be a problem. 

Over the last weeks I got several text messages and emails from friends asking if I could please share the recipe as soon as possible because they wanted to prepare the pie for their guests. Here it is, just go ahead and prepare the pie for your upcoming dinners. It is very moist inside and crunchy on the outside. The shortbread-like crust is sweet without being too sugary. 

This recipe is inspired from an old one I always baked with my granddad. I remember that sometimes when I stayed for the holidays we baked apple pies and cakes on weekend nights. The smell of caramelised apples is one of my favourite kitchen smells. I love these recipes that provoke the Proust-effect as I use to call it. 

All those different apple desserts are the main reason I like autumn. From beautiful Indian summer to the cold and rainy days it's always the wonderful apple desserts that make me like this season as well. I would say especially on Sunday afternoons, when I am not motivated to do much anyways, I choose to make a nice autumn dessert for my family. As for this pie, I can tell you, there's already nothing left. 

For a pie you need:

200g flour
140g sugar
120g butter
50g grated almonds
4 eggs
2 tsp vanilla sugar
125ml cream
3-4 apples

Preheat the oven to 200°

First of all core the four apples, peel them and cut them in 4 parts. 

Whisk together the flour, 40g sugar, 100g butter and the one egg yolk. Add two tablespoons of cold water and mix until you get a typical shortcrust pastry. Roll out the dough and put it into a springform pan. 

Sprinkle the grated almonds on the dough. Peel the apples, cut them in quarters then place them into the pie tin. Cut carefully lengthwise into the apples. Melt the remaining 20g of butter and brush the apples with it. 

Put the springform pan into the oven and bake for 35 minutes.

Meanwhile beat the remaining 100g sugar, the vanilla sugar, the cream and three eggs together until you get an even cream. 

After the 35 minutes of baking take the pie out of the oven and pour the cream over the apples.

Bake for another 20 minutes.

Let the pie cool down for about an hour on a cooling tray.


Für eine Torte braucht man:

200g Mehl
140g Zucker
120g Butter
50g gemahlene Mandeln
4 Eier
2 tsp Vanillezucker
125ml Sahne
3-4 Äpfel

Ofen auf 200° vorheizen.

Äpfel schälen, in 4 Stücke schneiden und das Kerngehäuse entfernen.

Aus Mehl, 40g Zucker, Butter und Wasser einen ebenmäßigen Knetteig formen, ausrollen und in eine Springform geben.

Den Teigboden dann mit den gemahlenen Mandel bestreuen darauflegen. Dann die Äpfel vorsichtig längs einschneiden. Restliche Butter schmelzen und die Äpfel damit bestreichen. 

Die Springform in den Ofen geben und für 35 Minuten backen.

Währenddessen die 100g Zucker, den Vanillezucker, die Sahne und die restlichen 3 Eier schaumig schlagen bis eine ebene Creme entsteht. 

Nach 35 Minuten die Torte aus dem Ofen nehmen und die Torte mit der Creme übergießen und dann weitere 20 Minuten backen.

Die Torte auf einem Blech gut auskühlen lassen.


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